Billing Schedule
Just Joining - If you sign up today, you will be billed immediately and your first box will be this month's box.
Month to Month subscriptions will auto-renew each month.
3-, 6-, 12-Month Prepay subscriptions are automatically renewed in the first month of the next subscription period.
Your recurring billing date is determined by your original sign up date.
For example, if you join on the 5th, your next payment will be billed automatically and processed on the 5th of the month (do not worry, you can cancel the upcoming renewal at any time).
So for example, if you subscribed on February 5th, and you have a month to month subscription, you will be billed on March 5th, April 5h, and so on. If you sign up on the last day of the month, your renewal date will be on the last day of the month.
For multi-month (3, 6, or 12 month) subscription plans, renewal will occur every 3, 6 or 12 months.
You can check your renewal date from your account dashboard.